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Advanced canola harvest management: get the most from equipment

Read Time: 5 minutes

By the Cargill team August 11, 2020

Avoid harvest losses by making sure your equipment is performing at its peak. Here’s what PAMI found in their straight cutting research:

  1. Header: The best one for the job is the extendable knife header, followed by draper headers. #ProTip: An upper cross auger and center section seal kit can further increase harvest efficiency and reduce seed loss.
  2. Dividers: The best one for the job is the vertical knife divider, followed by fixed dividers.
  3. Reel: In a well-standing crop, set reel fingers so they are vertical or pointed ahead slightly when lifting out of the crop on the backside of the reel. Set the reel as far back as possible while maintaining good feeding.

On the combine, check for leaks and proper feed. If you want to increase ground speed, consider using a pre-harvest desiccant to dry down green material on the plant to reduce plugging. One research plot compared the direct harvesting times for untreated InVigor® L140P and the same variety treated with Reglone® Ion. A pass in the untreated field took 5:49 where a pass in the treated field took 4:50.1 Another study found that desiccated canola could be harvested at 3.7 mph, compared to swathed or untreated canola at 3.1 mph. When you expand those time savings across your canola operation, you can get more done in a day while reducing wear on the combine.


View straight cut decision factors



Always read and follow label directions.


“Syngenta Reglone Ion straight cut combine comparison.” 2019.

"Guidebook for Straight Cutting Canola" PAMI, 2021.