We’ve narrowed down the top weed challenges in western Canada that can have an economic impact on the value of your crop. We’ve given each one a difficulty rating and identified their key traits and best methods of control, including herbicide product options. *Always read and follow label directions.
What’s your toughest weed?
Difficulty Rating: Medium
Kochia grows tall with many branches and will eventually become tumbleweeds, spreading seeds across the landscape. It grows better than most plants in saline conditions. Barley, wheat and canola compete well with kochia.
Crop Choice
Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ, Pixxaro™, Blackhawk®, OcTTain™ XL, Axial® Xtreme iPak™
Due to its resistant nature, it is crucial to try and utilize many different chemistry groups when controlling kochia in-crop. Blackhawk and Heat LQ are great options pre-seed. Axial Xtreme iPak or Pixxaro are both great options for controlling kochia, but do have some re-cropping restrictions. OcTTain XL is a great option to control kochia, while still keeping your options open.
Recommended Products: Valtera™, Goldwing®, Heat® LQ, Fierce®
Many in-crop herbicides in lentils rely on group 2 chemistry, which can be problematic when dealing with group 2 resistant weeds. Soil applied pre-seed herbicides can provide an alternative chemistry group and can tackle small-seeded weeds, like kochia, as they emerge. Fall applied Fierce can save you time in the spring and can tackle kochia as they emerge. Didn't have enough time to apply in the fall? No problem. Valtera is also a great option ahead of lentils that can offer fantastic residual kochia control. Heat LQ and Goldwing are also great options that can be added into your glyphosate mix pre-seed.
Recommended Products: Authority® Supreme, Viper® ADV, Fierce®
Many in-crop herbicides in pulses rely on group 2 chemistry, which can be problematic when dealing with group 2 resistant weeds. Soil applied herbicides applied ahead of pulses provide an alternative chemistry group and can tackle small-seeded weeds, like kochia, as they emerge. Both Authority Supreme and Fierce are great options to consider ahead of peas, while Viper ADV can offer suppression in-crop. When used as a 1-2 punch, kochia doesn't stand a chance.
Recommended Products: Conquer®, Liberty®, Aim® EC
Kochia can be difficult so it's important to use a lot of water and ensure good coverage. Products like Conquer II, Aim, and Liberty are great options because they have a low likelihood of developing resistance but still offer great control.
Difficulty Rating: Medium-High
An easily recognizable, twisting and vine-like plant, cleavers are a spring annual that increasingly show up as a winter annual and become a problem partly because each plant produces thousands of seeds that are similar in size to canola seed, making them difficult to separate. Cleavers are much easier to control when smaller.
Crop Choice
Cleavers have shown resistance to Group 2 chemistry.
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme, Pixxaro™, Korrex™ II
When dealing with larger-sized cleavers, look for a product that allows you to get in early. Axial Xtreme allows for flexibility in next year's cropping choices, while Pixxaro can tackle some of the larger, overwintered cleavers. Korrex II can offer some control of smaller-sized cleavers pre-seed, especially if mixed with a good rate of glyphosate.
Recommended Products: Facet® L, Command® Charge, Prospect™
Cleaver control in canola is especially important as the seeds are similar sized to canola seeds, are difficult to separate, and can cause downgrading. Tank mixing Command® Charge or Prospect™ pre-seed can target cleavers while they are small in the spring. Facet L, which contains quinclorac, is a good in-crop option. A high rate of Liberty is usually required in LL Canola.
Brown Soil Zone Extra:
Recommended Products: Command® Charge, Prospect™
In canola consider tank mixing glyphosate with Command® Charge or Prospect™ as a pre-seed application ahead of the crop. But avoid seeding lentils on a field where cleavers are or could become a problem.
Foxtail Barley
Difficulty Rating: High
This grass species can be hard to control and is very competitive in many crops. It’s been shown to reduce wheat yield by up to 29%. The seed heads look similar to barley with long awns. It thrives in saline conditions, which can occur when soil dries out after wet conditions and can harbor diseases such as wheat rust and barley strip mosaic virus. High seeding rates in minimum till systems with proper fertilizer placement will help the crop outcompete this weed, or consider shallow tillage.
Crop Choice
Recommended Products: Liberty®, Cornerstone®, Centurion®
Pre-seed control will be effective 0.5L per acre of Roundup on seedlings, but more mature plants will require higher rates (1-1.5 REL per acre). Use 0.5L per acre Roundup® Transorb® HC at pre-seed burnoff to ensure all plants are controlled. For Liberty Link® canola, a combination of Liberty+ Centurion can offer some great control. For Roundup Ready® or TruFlex™ canola, use a two-pass strategy at the appropriate rate. High water volumes are key, especially as tufts grow larger and there is more surface area to penetrate. An acidifying non-ionic surfactant like Cornerstone can boost glyphosate activity in crop and allow for a more successful burndown.
Peas, Lentils, and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Assure® II, Cornerstone®
An acidifying non-ionic surfactant like Cornerstone can boost glyphosate activity in crop and allow for a more successful burndown in the spring. High rates of glyphosate and good water volume will also help to ensure more successful control, especially as tufts grow larger. A residual product like Focus, can provide control throughout the season. Assure II in crop can provide some control in crop.
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Focus®, Olympus®
There aren't many options to use in-crop for cereals. A residual product like Focus can offer some residual control of spring germinated foxtail barley, while a high rate of glyphosate+ Olympus can offer some control of larger, overwintered tufts. It's important to use higher water volumes to ensure good coverage and successful control.
Green Foxtail
Difficulty Rating: Low-Medium
Commonly referred to as millet or wild millet, the seed of the green foxtail plant germinate throughout the growing season, making it a real survivor. This weed can reduce yields by 10-15%. No matter what you’re seeding you’ll need adequate plant stands in order to compete. To keep green foxtail at bay over time, you will need to rely on your #1 ally, herbicide rotation (eg: Axial® Xtreme iPak, Velocity m3, Traxos®, Everest® 3.0).
Crop Choice
Watchout: Green foxtail has shown resistance to Groups 1, 2 and 3 but has also shown resistance to multiple combinations of Groups 1 and 3.
Recommended Products: Axial®
Axial® has performed consistently throughout the years at controlling green foxtail in barley.
Recommended Products: Centurion®, Fortress®, Certitude®
Fortress that is applied in the spring can help to provide residual control, while in-crop options such Centurion can also provide effective in-crop control. A pre-seed option like Certitude will help tackle any emerged Green Foxtail at the time of application.
Peas and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Viper® ADV, Authority® Supreme, Fierce®
With heavy infestations, residual products like Fierce and Authority Supreme can offer some control when applied pre-seed. Viper can also provide effective control when applied in-crop.
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Axial®, Traxos®, Everest® 3.0
There are many great options for controlling green foxtail in wheat, including Axial, Traxos, and Everest 3.0.
Narrow-leaved Hawk's Beard
Difficulty Rating: Medium
A winter annual, narrow-leaved hawk’s beard can be tough to identify at the rosette stage because it closely resembles dandelion, sow thistle, stinkweed and Canada thistle. Cereals and canola compete most effectively. Controlling narrow-leaved hawk’s beard in peas and lentils is tricky in-crop, but there are herbicide options for pre-seed burn.
Crop Choice
There is Group 2 resistance in narrow-leaved hawk’s beard.
Recommended Products: Prospect™, Certitude®
Once Narrow-leaved hawks beard gets too big, it can be difficult to control in-crop. Therefore, pre-seed is a crucial time to control the weeds while they are small. We have seen products like Prospect or Certitude both offer great pre-seed control on Narrowleaved Hawksbeard, especially when paired with a higher rate of glyphosate.
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Infinity® FX, Stellar™ XL, 2, 4-D, Korrex™ II, Smoulder™
In our field tests from 2021, we saw great control of Narrowleaved Hawksbeard using BASF's new pre-seed herbicide Smoulder. An option like Korrex II is also a great option for pre-seed that has been performing pretty consistently throughout the years. If there's an additional flush later on, in-crop options such as Axial Xtreme iPak, Infinity FX+2,4-D, and Stellar XL have shown excellent control and offer early staging to tackle them while they are still small.
Peas and Lentils
Recommended Products: Goldwing®, Voraxor™
Narrow-leaved hawk's beard is tricky to control in-crop and therefore a pre-seed burnoff is critical for control. Add Voraxor or Goldwing to your glyphosate pre-seed burn off.
Perennial Sow Thistle
Difficulty Rating: High
This weed prefers moist, fertile soils. It spreads in two ways: its seeds are carried by the wind and it has a creeping root system that sends up new shoots. If you attack with tillage, you can strengthen the perennial sow thistle by moving its dormant underground root buds around. Patience is a virtue with perennial sow thistle. A multi-year plan will be your best bet to eradicate this weed. Avoid lentils and peas on ground where perennial sow thistle is a problem.
Crop Choice
Recommended Products: Avenza™, PrePass™ Flex, MCPA
A pre-seed product like PrePass™ FLEX can offer great control in early spring, while an in-crop product like Avenza™ offers great control with little re-cropping restrictions the next year.
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Cirpreme™ XC, PrePass™ Flex, Tridem™, 2, 4-D, MCPA
There are many great options for controlling perennial sow thistle in wheat. Cirpreme XC+ MCPA offers control of larger sized weeds, while Tridem+ 2,4-D offers control while still maintaining flexible cropping options the following year.
Recommended Products: Roundup Transorb® HC, Liberty®
Don’t limit yourself to one time of year, or even one year. Look at pre-seed, in-crop, pre-harvest and post-harvest applications. Use your go-to system herbicides at a high registered rate for season-long control with enough regrowth to get it again in fall.
Recommended Products: Prestige™ XC
Don’t limit yourself to one time of year, or even one year. Look at pre-seed, in-crop, pre-harvest and post-harvest applications.
Redroot Pigweed
Difficulty Rating: Medium-High
A large and fast-growing plant, redroot pigweed can reduce yields significantly. It grows to 3-6 feet tall and features a red-coloured lower stem and root. It can lay dormant in your soil for five years plus, then show up when you least expect it. Cereals will give the most options for controlling redroot pigweed in-crop, but no matter what you’re seeding, you will need adequate plant stands to compete (think seeding rate, seeding depth and plant available fertility).
Crop Choice
Redroot pigweed has shown resistance to Group 2 chemistry.
Recommended Products: Liberty®, Conquer® II, Prospect™, Certitude®
This weed doesn’t readily germinate below 20°C and most flushes happen in early June and throughout summer as long as there is adequate moisture. Pre-seed options like Prospect, Certitude, and Conquer II can offer some control of any early emergers of Redroot Pigweed, while Liberty and Roundup can handle it in season.
Recommended Products: Stellar™ XL, Heat® LQ
This weed doesn’t readily germinate below 20°C and most flushes happen in early June and throughout summer as long as there is adequate moisture. Stellar XL is a great option for control of Redroot Pigweed in oats.
Peas and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Viper® ADV, Authority® Supreme, Heat® Complete, Valtera™, Voraxor™, Odyssey®
This weed doesn’t readily germinate below 20°C and most flushes happen in early June and throughout summer as long as there is adequate moisture. A soil residual product like Heat Complete or Authority Supreme can offer some residual control of flushes, while an in crop product like Viper ADV can offer some control in crop.
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Rexade™, Velocity m3 , Korrex™ II, Smoulder™
There are many great options for controlling redroot pigweed in spring wheat including Axial Xtreme iPak, Rexade, and Velocity m3. A residual product like Fierce can offer some residual control for flushing. To prevent resistance, its good to choose options that control via multi-modes of action.
Lamb's Quarters
Difficulty Rating: Medium
Common and widespread, lamb’s quarters produces 70,000 or more seeds per plant and is ultra-competitive. Flushes early and late in the growing season. Cereals provide the most in-crop options for control.
Crop Choice
Recommended Products: Conquer® II, Prospect™, Certitude®
Control pre-seed and in-crop. Because its greatest flush occurs at the beginning of the growing season, lamb’s quarters is a prime target for pre-seed control. A pre-seed product like Conquer II, Prospect, or Certitude can offer good control of spring germinated lamb's quarters, especially when paired with an appropriate water volume to ensure good coverage.
Recommended Products: Goldwing®, Fierce®, Voraxor™, Solo®
Control pre-seed. Because its greatest flush occurs at the beginning of the growing season, lamb’s quarters is a prime target for pre-seed control. Apply Voraxor or Goldwing pre-seed to tackle them early in the spring. A soil applied product like Fierce can offer some residual control throughout the season, while an in crop product like Solo can offer control of any later bloomers.
Recommended Products: PrePass™ Flex
Control pre-seed. Because its greatest flush occurs at the beginning of the growing season, lamb’s quarters is a prime target for pre-seed control. Apply PrePass Flex at pre-seed or pre-emergence.
Peas and soybeans
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ, Viper® ADV, Authority® Supreme, Fierce®
Control pre-seed or in-crop. Because its greatest flush occurs at the beginning of the growing season, lamb’s quarters is a prime target for pre-seed control. Residual products like Authority Supreme of Fierce can offer some residual contro, while a product like Heat LQ at pre-seed or pre-emergence can offer control of emerged weeds. Use Viper ADV in-crop.
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Blackhawk®, Infinity® FX, Pixxaro™, Stellar™ XL, Korrex™ II, Smoulder™
Control pre-seed or pre-emergence using Blackhawk, Smoulder, or Korrex II or in-crop using the other recommended products. Because its greatest flush occurs at the beginning of the growing season, lamb’s quarters is a prime target for pre-seed control.
Scentless Chamomile
Difficulty Rating: Medium-High
Classified as a noxious weed in many provinces, scentless chamomile easily spreads from field to field on equipment. It can reduce yields in spring wheat crops by 30-80%. It’s classified as a winter annual but it can also become a simple perennial. It has fine leaves that can be distinguished from similar-looking species because it is odourless, unlike pineapple weed and stinkweed. Avoid growing lentils and flax on ground where scentless chamomile is an issue.
Crop Choice
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Cirpreme™ XC, PrePass™ Flex, Travallas®, MCPA
Winter wheat and barley compete more successfully with scentless chamomile than spring wheat. Barley in particular is a good competitor crop as it grows rapidly and the tillers help choke out the weed. Control this weed early to prevent flowering. It’s easier to control at the 2-3 leaf stage in cereals before the weeds gets really competitive. Use a pre-seed application of PrePass Flex, followed by an in-crop application of Travallas or Cirpreme™ XC+MCPA
Wild Mustard
Difficulty Rating: Medium
Wild mustard is an annual weed from the same family as canola and as such, it’s highly competitive in canola crops where it can go unnoticed and steal moisture and nutrients. It can also impact cereal and pulse crops and carries Brassica diseases such as clubroot and blackleg.
Crop Choice
Wild mustard has shown some resistance to Group 2 chemistry.
Recommended Products: Conquer® II, Prospect™
Ideally, control should happen no later than the 2-4 leaf stage. After that, it becomes more difficult and the weed may only be suppressed and recover. Pre-seed options like Conquer II and Prospect offer great control in the spring, especially when paired with sufficient water volumes to ensure good coverage.
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ, Viper® ADV, Goldwing®, Fierce®, Voraxor™
A pre-seed product like Heat LQ or Goldwing can offer control early in the spring, while an incrop application of Viper ADV will offer control In crop. Fierce can offer some residual control for any additional flushes. It is important to incorporate different mode of actions to prevent the development of resistance.
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Infinity® FX, Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Blackhawk®, Pixxaro™, Smoulder™
Ideally, control should happen no later than the 2-4 leaf stage. After that, it becomes more difficult and the weed may only be suppressed and recover. At pre-seed use Blackhawk or Smoulder. In-crop use Axial Xtreme iPak, Pixxaro, or Infinity FX.
Field Horsetail
Difficulty Rating: High
Field horsetail has become a troublesome weed in North America due to its prolific rhizome and tuber system. It produces spores rather than seeds, and these spores will only germinate in damp soil. Thorough pre-plant tillage and a competitive crop is a must for field horsetail management. No matter what you’re seeding, you will need an adequate plant stand to compete (think seeding rate, seeding depth and plant available fertility).
Crop Choice
Cereals and Flax
Recommended Products:
There are no herbicide options that will truly control field horsetail, but applications containing a MCPA formulation can provide top growth control in wheat, oats, barley, flax and rye. This weed emerges early in the season, in moist conditions, so your best option is to get out in the field in spring and till the soil to help with drainage and evaporation.The active ingredient, Arylex, also has field horsetail on its label. Herbicides will be most effective when applied at the vegetative growth stage.
Wild Oats
Difficulty Rating: Low-Medium
A highly competitive grassy weed, each wild oat plant produces about 1,200 seeds, and they persist in the seed bank for a number of years. Wild oats can be a particular issue along fence lines or in field corners, where farmers either have been carefully protecting against drift or where boom speed is high when the sprayer is turning.
Crop Choice
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Axial®, Velocity m3 , Sierra® 3.0, Focus®, Simplicity™ Go-DRI, Traxos®, Fierce®
Because wild oats are a spring annual, you must control it in-crop. Second flush can be an issue, unless you get that competitive crop established early and well. It's important to rotate herbicide groups where possible to reduce the resistance development.
Recommended Products: Axial®, Axial® Xtreme iPak™
Wild oats can develop herbicide resistance quickly, so it's important to feel confident in the efficacy of your herbicide. A product that contains Pinoxaden, like Axial®, can offer quick, complete control of wild oats.
Recommended Products: Centurion®, Fortress®
Consider using two passes of Roundup Transorb HC (RR Canola), or Centurion tank mixed with Liberty (LL Canola). Fortress can add an additional group and offers residual control when applied pre-seed.
Recommended Products: Viper® ADV, Authority® Supreme, Fierce®
A product like Fierce, or Authority Supreme can offer some residual control of wild oats, depending on how deep they are seeded. This is a great option for incorporating an additional group in to slow resistance. Viper ADV in crop peas can also offer some control for any flushes that might slip through.
Volunteer Canola
Difficulty Rating: Low
Volunteer canola barely requires a description. It is simply a canola plant that retains it’s herbicide tolerance and is growing where and when you don’t want it. Volunteer canola is an annual that emerges throughout the year. Watch for volunteer canola in the fall when making pre and post-harvest weed control decisions.
Crop Choice
Recommended Products: Conquer® II, Certitude®, Aim® EC
Ensure you control volunteer canola in the spring to keep canola plants from competing for nutrients and moisture, especially if volunteer populations are heavy. Use Conquer® II, Aim EC, or Certitude as a tank mix partner with glyphosate. Remember to keep water volumes on the higher end.
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Blackhawk®, Infinity® FX, Pixxaro™, Stellar™ XL, Korrex™ II, Smoulder™
Cereals have fairly good options for control of volunteer canola in-crop, but depending on when they emerge, volunteer canola can be quite large and more difficult to control by that point. Products like Korrex™ II, Blackhawk®, and Smoulder™ are all great options for controlling volunteer canola in the spring. Korrex II and Smoulder even offer a bit of residual to catch any extra flushes.
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Blackhawk®, Rexade™, Traxos® Two, Velocity m3 , Korrex™ II, Smoulder™
Cereals have fairly good options for control of volunteer canola in-crop, but depending on when they emerge, volunteer canola can be quite large and more difficult to control by that point. Products like Korrex II, Blackhawk, and Smoulder are all great options for controlling volunteer canola in the spring. Korrex II and Smoulder even offer a bit of residual to catch any extra flushes.
Peas and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ, Viper® ADV, Heat® Complete, Voraxor™, Odyssey®
Heat LQ is a great way to ensure successful volunteer canola control early in the spring, while products like Viper ADV and Odyssey Ultra will catch any second flushes that might emerge for in-crop.
Difficulty Rating: Medium-High
A low-growing annual plant, chickweed has bright green leaves and tiny white flowers. It spreads rapidly and can be highly competitive. It can germinate in cool soils as low as 2°C and survive temperatures as low as -10°C. It is shade tolerant, which means it can also thrive under a crop canopy. Early control is critical, but high seeding rates can also be used to outcompete this hardy weed. Cereals offer the most in-crop management options.
Crop Choice
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Infinity® FX, Stellar™ XL, Pixxaro™, Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Korrex™ II
Control chickweed early in the spring with a pre-seed burnoff to get early germinated seedlings using a product like Korrex II. Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Infinity® FX, Stellar™ XL, and Pixxaro™are good in-crop options.
Recommended Products: Prospect™, Liberty®, Conquer® II, Certitude®
Prospect™, Conquer II, and Certitude can all offer control of emerged chickweed pre-seed, while Liberty® can tackle chickweed in season.
Peas, Lentils, and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Fierce®, Valtera™
A product like Fierce can offer residual control of any flushing that can occur. Valtera can be a great option ahead of lentils in the spring.
Difficulty Rating: High
A perennial weed with a large tap root, dandelions are sometimes present in early spring in time for pre-seed burnoff. The deep-lobed rosette stage is the most practical stage for control. Dandelion is typically a bigger issue for those in dark brown to black soil zones.
Crop Choice
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Blackhawk®, Infinity® FX, Pixxaro™, Korrex™ II, MCPA, Smoulder™
Pre-seed options such as Korrex II and Blackhawk can offer control of spring seeded dandelions. We also saw great results from BASF's new pre-seed product, Smoulder, in our 2021 field tests. It is still recommended to re-evaluate in the fall, as any new growth can best be controlled when the plant is moving its sugars down to the root system for the winter. Adding MCPA to Infinity FX can take dandelion control to the next level.
Recommended Products: Roundup Transorb® HC, Conquer® II, Prospect™
Conquer® II or Prospect can spice up glyphosate tank mixes pre-seed. Roundup Ready canola can help clean up a dandelion issue. Dandelions are best controlled in the fall.
Peas and Lentils
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ
Dandelions can be very difficult to control in pulses, but adding Heat LQ or Goldwing pre-seed can both be great options for tackling small, spring seeded dandelions.
Brown Soil Zone Extra
Recommended Products: Roundup Transorb® HC, Blackhawk®, Express® FX, Heat® LQ, Goldwing®, Conquer® II
Before canola use a tankmix partner like Conquer® II with Roundup Transorb® HC (0.5 L) at pre-seed burn. Ahead of cereals use Blackhawk® or Express® FX tank mixed with Roundup Transorb HC at pre-seed. In addition to Heat LQ use Goldwing® tank mixed with glyphosate prior to lentils.
Barnyard Grass
Difficulty Rating: Medium
Barnyard grass loves warm, moist soil and can easily spread by flooding because the seed float. It can be a challenge to correctly identify as it’s often mistaken for green foxtail. Don’t be fooled! Not all products that control green foxtail will also control barnyard grass. Growing a competitive crop is crucial for keeping barnyard grass at bay. And you’ll definitely want to control this weed in the years you grow canola. Scout fields thoroughly because they will show up en masse in low spots on the field when water drains away.
Crop Choice
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Rexade™, Velocity m3 , Traxos® Two, Fierce®
Since barnyard grass likes to germinate in warmer temperatures, in crop options are best for controlling it. A pre-seed soil residual product like Fierce® can offer some residual control on problem fields. There are also many great in crop options for control in spring wheat. Remember to rotate herbicide groups to prevent the development of resistance.
Recommended Products: Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Pixxaro™
Since barnyard grass likes to germinate in warmer temperatures, in-crop options are best for controlling it. Both Axial® Xtreme iPak™ and Pixxaro™ provide quick and effective control of barnyard grass in barley crops.
Recommended Products: Roundup Transorb® HC, Liberty®, Cornerstone®, Centurion®, Prospect™, Certitude®
Roundup is a great tool for utilizing an alternative chemical group to control barnyard grass. A non-ionic surfactant like CORNERSTONE® can also sharpen control. Don't skimp out on water for Liberty® applications, as coverage will be key to efficacy in LibertyLink® herbicide systems. Pre-seed products Certitude® and Prospect™ can also offer some control if barnyard grass is emerged at time of application.
Peas and soybeans
Recommended Products: Viper® ADV, Authority® Supreme, Fierce®
Fierce® and Authority® Supreme both offer residual control of barnyard grass when applied pre-seed. Viper® ADV can offer great control of barnyard grass in-crop, as long as they are smaller than the 4 leaf stage.
Clearfield Lentils
Recommended Products: Odyssey® Ultra , Solo® ADV
Control barnyard grass in-crop. It germinates at temps above 15°C and most flushes happen late May to early June. It will keep coming back through the summer if conditions are warm and moist.
Round-leaved Mallow
Difficulty Rating: Medium-High
Round-leaved mallow is a strong competitor that also acts as host for diseases such as aster yellows. It can grow tall, with kidney shaped leaves and pale blue to white flowers. It’s an annual or short-lived perennial with a hard seed coat that enables the seed to remain dormant for many years. Germination generally occurs in late spring and the plant matures through the summer. Avoid seeding pulses and flax in fields where round-leaved mallow is or could be a problem. As this is not a major weed in all prairie regions it’s not listed on many herbicides. However, products containing 2, 4-D or clopyralid have been shown to give control. Also choose a product with some residual to help control a second flush.
Crop Choice
Recommended Products: Roundup Transorb® HC, Liberty®, Prospect™
Higher rates of Liberty may be needed to control this weed, depending on the infestation level. You will also want to use good water volumes to ensure good coverage. A product like Prosper can offer good control pre-seed.
Peas and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ, Viper® ADV, Voraxor™
Aim to start with a clean field as there are limited in-crop options. Use a tank mix partner with glyphosate such as Heat LQ or Voraxor as a pre-seed burn off.
Peas and Soybeans
Recommended Products: Heat® LQ, Viper® ADV, Voraxor™
Aim to start with a clean field as there are limited in-crop options. Use a tank mix partner with glyphosate such as Heat LQ or Voraxor as a pre-seed burn off.
Wild Buckwheat
Difficulty Rating: Medium-High
Round-leaved mallow is a strong competitor that also acts as host for diseases such as aster yellows. It can grow tall, with kidney shaped leaves and pale blue to white flowers. It’s an annual or short-lived perennial with a hard seed coat that enables the seed to remain dormant for many years. Germination generally occurs in late spring and the plant matures through the summer. Avoid seeding pulses and flax in fields where round-leaved mallow is or could be a problem. As this is not a major weed in all prairie regions it’s not listed on many herbicides. However, products containing 2, 4-D or clopyralid have been shown to give control. Also choose a product with some residual to help control a second flush.
Crop Choice
Recommended products: Conquer® II, Prospect™
Your best bet for controlling wild buckwheat is with your pre-seed burn off with a tank mix partner such as Conquer II or Prospect. In-crop suppression will be achieved with using the appropriate rates of herbicides depending on the canola system.
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended products: Infinity® FX, Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Korrex™ II, Smoulder™
Korrex II and Smoulder offer good options for pre-seed control. There are many great options to handle wild buckwheat in-crop cereals, including Infinity FX and Axial Xtreme iPak.
Recommended products: Heat® LQ, Viper® ADV, Authority® Supreme, Goldwing®, Fierce®, Voraxor™, Odyssey®
Authority Supreme or Fierce offer great residual activity throughout the season, while Heat LQ, Goldwing, or Voraxor can tackle emerged wild buckwheat pre-seed. Viper ADV and Odyssey can both offer suppression in-crop.
Difficulty Rating: Medium
Covered with small, fuzzy leaves with serrated edges, this annual is tough to control once it’s larger. Typically a dark brown or black soil zone weed, it can be found throughout a field and especially around moist or low spots.
Crop Choice
There have been some instances of Group 2 resistance in hemp-nettle, but it’s not widespread.
Recommended Products: Liberty®, Prospect™, Certitude®
Water volume is key to getting the coverage that will penetrate hemp-nettle’s hairy cover. Pre-seed products like Prospect or Certitude will control hemp-nettle in the spring, while you're typical in crop canola products like Liberty will control it in-crop.
Spring Wheat and Barley
Recommended Products: Pixxaro™, Infinity® FX, Axial® Xtreme iPak™, Korrex™ II
You can generally control hemp-nettle with a pre-seed burnoff such as Korrex II, but it grows all season. There are many great in crop products in wheat and barley, including Pixxaro™, Infinity® FX, and Axial Xtreme iPak that will control Hemp-nettle in season. It's important to get it while its small and to use lots of water to ensure coverage.
Recommended Products: Pre-seed Express® SG, Viper® ADV, Odyssey®
There aren't many options available to control hemp-nettle in peas, especially if you have group 2 resistance. Express SG can offer some control pre-seed of hemp-nettle that is NOT group 2 resistant, but can be a little hot in soil zones with lower organic matter. Viper ADV and Odyssey will offer some suppression in crop.
Canada Thistle
Difficulty Rating: High
A perennial weed with a super strong root system. Canada thistle doesn’t emerge in time for a pre-seed burn off. If allowed to mature, it’s instantly recognizable with its spiny rosette and trademark purple flowers. It grows in dense patches with many plants sharing the same root system. While it does add cost to your weed control regime, the one-two punch of herbicide application to burn off the top of Canada thistle followed up with a post-harvest application is your best bet for control.
Crop Choice
Liberty® Link Canola
Recommended Products: Liberty®
A high rate of Liberty® (1.6L) or a two-pass strategy in canola will burn off the top. ProTip: A water rate of 12-15 gallons will take Liberty’s control to the next level. It’s best to control Canada thistle in the fall, when the plant is moving sugars down to the roots.
Roundup Ready® Canola
Recommended Products: Lontrel™ XC
A two-pass strategy with Roundup Transorb at 0.33L (twice) then a 1.5L rate post-harvest is your best bet for control. You can also look at adding a product that contains the active ingredient clopyralid, like Lontrel™ XC, but beware of recropping restrictions next year. It’s best to control Canada thistle in the fall, when the plant is moving sugars down to the roots.
Spring Wheat
Recommended Products: Avenza™, Cirpreme® XC, Tridem™, 2, 4-D, Korrex™ II, MCPA
A product like Cirpreme™ XC provides good in season control of Canada thistle, but beware of cropping restrictions the following year. We have also seen great results from products like Tridem™ and Avenza™ that offer top growth control in season, while still maintaining flexible cropping options for the following year. It’s best to control Canada thistle in the fall, when the plant is moving sugars down to the roots.
Brown Soil Zone Extra
Beware of lentil recropping restrictions. OcTTain™ XL can have some effect on top growth.
Recommended Products:
In-crop consider products that contain clopyralid, like Curtail M in cereals and flax, Lontrel XC or Eclipse XC in Roundup Ready canola. Tridem is another great option in wheat, and Avenza in barley.
- Choose your weed