Better grain marketing.

The Cargill Grain Marketing Academy can show you how.

Ready to try the Grain Marketing Academy?

Complete the short quiz to get an assessment of your grain marketing strengths and weaknesses, which we’ll use to send you a series of personalized grain marketing pointers. You’ll get one easy-to-use lesson each week for the next six weeks, and it only takes a few minutes to get started.

  • Attitude
  • Your Plan
  • Comfort Level
  • Academy Results

How would you best describe your attitude towards grain marketing?

When it comes to having a grain marketing plan, which of the following statements best exemplifies your plan?

Which of the following statements best describes your comfort level of and knowledge in the different types of grain marketing options available?

Vigilant Marketer

You can be skeptical of grain marketing information.

After all, who can predict the future? Bad grain marketing tips may have burned you in the past, so you’re cautious about taking on unnecessary risk. You want to be a price maker, not a price taker, but you’re not certain that complex grain marketing strategies are the best way to get there. You appreciate the fact that grain marketing is more than picking tops — it’s about discipline, education and effort. But many Vigilant Marketers own a mixed operation or manage a number of different businesses, making it tricky to invest the time in building and executing a detailed grain marketing plan. In these situations, it pays to explore a sound risk management strategy that can protect a good price. Vigilant Marketers can benefit from honest, transparent advice that’s grounded in the reality of their business. If you can relate to the Vigilant Marketer, consider a program like MarketSense. It pairs you with a small team of dedicated experts who can separate good information from bad and create a selling strategy that complements your risk profile and business goals. It takes 30 days to form a habit, but the benefits to your bottom line will last a lifetime. Enroll below in the Grain Marketing Academy to get six lessons delivered to your inbox.

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Enroll in the Grain Marketing Academy

The Grain Marketing Academy takes you all the way from the basics to more advanced techniques over the course of six lessons.

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Marketing Master

You've invested in developing your expertise, and you put that training to good use.

You go beyond standard grain contracts and instead use options and alternative marketing strategies to improve your price. You may even have a brokerage account. Marketing Masters know there’s more price risk when they’re deep into the market, but they also know that there’s more opportunity for greater reward. Marketing Masters tend to be well informed. You likely draw marketing information from many different sources, but you can sometimes suffer from “analysis paralysis.” Marketing Masters are more productive when they can talk through the data with someone else to better ground their bias. Marketing Masters feel confident when it comes to grain marketing, but that attitude can sometimes get them into trouble. They don’t think they need help, so they don’t often seek a second opinion. As a result, they may take on unnecessary risk or miss out on a better sales strategy. If you can relate to the Marketing Master, consider a program like MarketSense. It lets you collaborate with a team of experts who can elevate your grain marketing strategies. It takes 30 days to form a habit, but the benefits to your bottom line will last a lifetime. Enroll below in the Grain Marketing Academy to get six lessons delivered to your inbox.

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Enroll in the Grain Marketing Academy

The Grain Marketing Academy takes you all the way from the basics to more advanced techniques over the course of six lessons.

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Marketing Enthusiast

You look for opportunities to learn more about grain marketing because you know it can unlock more profit on your farm.

You have long-term goals for your operation, and with a bold sales strategy, you believe you can get there a lot sooner. It’s one of the reasons you tend to have a higher tolerance for risk compared to other growers. Even though you’ve invested time in learning grain marketing, you’re not always 100% confident in your sales decisions. Some Marketing Enthusiasts own a mixed operation or manage a number of different businesses, making it tricky to give their full attention to the grain markets. In these situations, it pays to explore different risk management strategies that can protect a good price. Marketing Enthusiasts often have multiple sources of information bombarding them with marketing tips, and this “noise” can create a lot of stress. Sometimes it’s more productive to talk through the data with a human being in order to ground your bias. If you can relate to the Marketing Enthusiast, consider a program like MarketSense. It pairs you with a team of experts who can help you manage risk and interpret market data. It takes 30 days to form a habit, but the benefits to your bottom line will last a lifetime. Enroll below in the Grain Marketing Academy to get six lessons delivered to your inbox.

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Congratulations on taking the first step of the Cargill Grain Marketing Academy. You will receive your welcome email in the next few hours.

Enroll in the Grain Marketing Academy

The Grain Marketing Academy takes you all the way from the basics to more advanced techniques over the course of six lessons.

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Marketing Veteran

You appreciate the importance of grain marketing and have a lot of experience to draw from.

You tend to stick to sales strategies that have worked in the past instead of burning daylight exploring new options. After all, good timing is often all it takes to get a great price, right? Some Marketing Veterans juggle many responsibilities and feel pressed for time. It’s hard to execute the grain-marketing plan when you’re focused on the profitability of the operation. Other Marketing Veterans are busy prepping the next generation to take on the responsibility of running the farm business. You want to set them up for success so they can achieve their full potential. If you can relate to the Marketing Veteran, consider a program like MarketSense. It pairs you with a team of experts who can discuss different risk management strategies, talk through marketing information, ground your bias and support the execution of your grain marketing plan. Most importantly, MarketSense provides valuable grain marketing education that can help your successor achieve the long-term financial goals of the farm. It takes 30 days to form a habit, but the benefits to your bottom line will last a lifetime. Enroll below in the Grain Marketing Academy to get six lessons delivered to your inbox.

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Congratulations on taking the first step of the Cargill Grain Marketing Academy. You will receive your welcome email in the next few hours.

Enroll in the Grain Marketing Academy

The Grain Marketing Academy takes you all the way from the basics to more advanced techniques over the course of six lessons.

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Wise Practitioner

You know that grain marketing is important to the long-term success of your farm business, but you've got a lot on your plate.

Watching the markets and building a plan often gets put on the back burner when you need to focus on farming or other parts of the operation. As a Wise Practitioner, you appreciate the value of grain marketing education. When time allows, you try to learn about the different grain contracts that are available to manage price risk. Wise Practitioners recognize knowledge gaps in their operation, and they can benefit from bringing in a reliable partner who can help build and execute a grain marketing plan. Wise Practitioners have a clear vision for the future of their operation and have a plan to get there, but they need some extra support in executing the grain marketing side of that plan. If you can relate to the Wise Practitioner, consider a program like MarketSense. It pairs you with a small team of experts who can discuss risk management strategies and talk through the different sources of marketing information. They can help you ground your bias before making a pricing decision, which is especially valuable if there are multiple decision makers. It takes 30 days to form a habit, but the benefits to your bottom line will last a lifetime. Enroll below in the Grain Marketing Academy to get six lessons delivered to your inbox.

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Congratulations on taking the first step of the Cargill Grain Marketing Academy. You will receive your welcome email in the next few hours.

Enroll in the Grain Marketing Academy

The Grain Marketing Academy takes you all the way from the basics to more advanced techniques over the course of six lessons.

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